Saturday, 14 May 2011

Day #52: The one with all the trains

You are all probably thinking, “What’s the deal with the 10 day gap in the number of days?”  No, we did not forget how to count, but it turns out keeping up a daily blog has been quite the undertaking.  It’s not that we don’t love writing about our adventures and we absolutely want to keep you all up to date on what’s going on across the pond.  However, if a few days go by and we don’t have a chance to blog, the days get backed up, the writing becomes stressful, and Shayne freaks out.  Basically, here is the routine:  Shayne tries to write during the day but doesn’t feel funny.  She waits for Jake to get home to add comic relief to the post.  Jake gets home from work, we catch up, have dinner, crawl into bed.  We relax, read and JUST as we are about to turn out the lights, Shayne says, “Want to blog?”  Timing not perfect.

Here’s the deal people.  If we are going to maintain the level of post that you have become accustomed to, then we are going to need to space these puppies out a little.  And, to be honest, some of our days just aren’t that exciting.  Sure, there is usually a great Jizdanky story, or maybe a cute mouse at a bar, and we will still pass along the highlights; but sometimes it’s just spreadsheets and tube rides.  Snoozer-ific.   We will maintain the naming convention of each post, so you can still track our progress, but each post will probably span a few days.  Who knows, we might even ditch you for a whole week.  But know that we will come back with a vengeance and leave you wanting more.  Much like you anxiously await the release of the next movie/book in your favorite series (Hunger Games movie anyone?).  Roll with us on this analogy train for a minute (Choo choo!)……

The third movie in your favorite series leaves you with a massive cliff hanger.  You leave the theatre with your heart thumping and fingers still buttery from the delicious popcorn.  You race home, and immediately google the release date of movie #4 (as your fingers slip across the keys and salt gets stuck between letters J and K).  The anxious excitement fuels you in the days to come, now get excited…because we are about to be your fuel.  Climb on board for the suspense train.

Now you may be thinking.  Which train am I on?  The analogy train? The suspense train?  Or you may be asking yourself…why didn’t they just wash their hands when they went to the bathroom after the movie?  Or, how did all that butter not get all over the steering wheel?  There’s no way that there would be sufficient butter coverage left for a slippage incident.  Well, you’ve got us.  There are no trains, and our hands are butter free.  But the thought we would like to leave you with, is that you will be anxiously awaiting our next posts.  Or so we like to think.

Now on to the recap of the last 10 days.  This is going to go quick, so hold on tight.  We are about to board the catch-up train (woot woot!).  Ok, just had to throw one more train reference in there.  We will attempt to do the ten highlights…of the last then days…in ten seconds!  Mind you, to help us accomplish this heroic goal, you must read really fast!  Before we get started, here’s to Joey and his ten second abilities!  To make this fun, feel free to time yourself.  We have left out all fluffy details to assist you. Ok, here we go. READY – SET - READ:

1)    Shayne got a job! – Supply teaching, Southbank International School, private school, mostly American families, SUPER exciting!
2)    Briefly attended Renaissance St Pancras Hotel grand opening gala - Complete open bar, heavy apps, fashion show, red carpet, press at door, super cool.
3)     Lou’s 30th birthday garden extravaganza.
4)    Dinner at Tyabba with Barge (that’s Ben and Margaret)
5)    Shayne found an art store – THREE stories!
6)    Jake (and Shayne) might get to go Paris next week for work – stay tuned and cross your finger!
7)    Jake took on a starring role as quarterback of the ‘Gold squad’ of the HPAFL (Hyde Park American Football League)
8)    Attempted to cook Laura’s famous enchiladas for Jake P. – not too shabby!
9)    House is almost totally set up – YAY!
10) Going to roller derby this weekend!

Ok – did you do it, did you do it?  Ten highlights…of the last then days…in ten seconds?  Make sure to let us know.  We actually are not sure if it was even possible.  We did not attempt it ourselves. 

Lessons Learned: 1) Blogging everyday is really hard, 2) There are a lot of trains, 3) Reading really quickly can be difficult. 


  1. it's impossible. I even tried cheating by only reading every other word and not fully articulating, but I still went far beyond 10 seconds...
    I can't believe you guys have been there for over 50 days!! It feels like forever since I've seen you, but it also feels like you just left.
    Either way, if 50 days goes by that quickly, then the six months until I get to see you again should fly by too, right??

    Miss you tons! No pressure on the posts, but keep them coming! love you!!

  2. Ok, I really need to know this. Do you guys truly know each espisode etc. that you find works so perfectly with your blogs..Joey & Phoebe with the 10 sec. milk?? I kinda hope not and there is a quick way to google it!! Otherwise, I would be either a little worried or very impressed, not sure which, on your TV/Movie memory. As much as I am going to miss your daily adventures/journey, I understand the time commitment, as well as these blogs were entertained us all!! THANKS KIDS!! P.S. Here is to the English #9..Hyde Park welcomes..Jake Romo!!! And to Shayne...HAPPY PAINTING!!!!

  3. Well - I must admit - it's just that we know the episodes THAT well :)
