Friday, 22 April 2011

Shayne's Day #29: The one with the off-roading

Goals for Tuesday: backpacks and kids! No, we have no big PERSONAL kid news to share, but I did have my first skype date with my 5th graders. Knowing I had to be back home and in front of my computer by 4:00, I planned the backpack trip accordingly. I had to plan accordingly because...the backpacks were at the Tesco to IKEA. Are trains, busses, and rows of cardboard boxes flashing through your mind? Yes, yes, me too.

This time, I left the house prepared. No over the shoulder purse for me - instead, a side satchel to keep my hands free. Close-toed shoes - definitely. Large shopping bags - no question. Stop watch to keep time - around my neck. IKEA/Tesco strap on tool belt with whistle, fog horn, travel game for the train, and inflatable car for the drive home - I wish. Entrance to the tube 10:00 am on the dot. Ahead of me - 3 tube changes, 4 trains, a bus and a hike. The first two tube rides were right on schedule, but the Central line really needed to speed things up. When I finally got on my last train, the stop watch was staring me square in the face. I needed to get a handle on my schedule. I knew I had the horrible bus ride ahead of me, so instead of sitting quietly, I told hold of my life. Sitting next to me was a nice looking lady who looked very local. I started up a conversation and soon enough, learned that she worked at IKEA in the accounting department. Let's be honest, if you weren't going to IKEA (or worked there), why would you still be on the train? After a quick Jake/accounting connection we were instant friends.

I capitalized on her IKEA knowledge and asked if there was a way to get there if I bypassed the bus trip. Sure enough, she knew how to do it. Now, when Jake and I went a few weeks ago, we tried to find walking directions from the tube stop. But, google maps looped us around a few miles out of the way - hence the bus. This lady knew what she was doing. We started through a nice enough neighborhood and then she ducked behind a hedge - A HEDGE! We had to turn sideways to get through. A few baby steps and we were on the other side. We scaled a soccer field, crossed a bridge, and ended up in the Tesco parking lot 10 minutes later. I was amazed (and now clear why Google maps had a tough time!). 11:30 entry to Tesco - right on time! I did my shopping: 2 travel rucksacks (yes, I am adopting the local lingo), a shower organizer, earphones (mine practically exploded on the plane), under the bed organizers, a toothbrush holder, and light bulbs. Unfortunately - still no doorstops. I think we are destined to either A) Prop our doors open with empty lotion bottles for the next two years or B) Open a door stop store in downtown London. I will keep you posted.

On the way home, I did end up on the bus. I didn't think that sneaking between hedges with two full backpacks and bags was the best idea. 45 minutes into the bumpy journey, I did wish that my little IKEA friend had been there to show me another secret passageway. After almost an hour on the bus and another train ride, I did throw in the towel. My stop watch was quickly approaching 4:00 and I got a little nervous about missing the kids.

I exited the tube at Baker St. and shamefully grabbed a cab. More expensive - yes, copout- yes, the easier way - no question. I flew through the door at 3:59 and signed on to skype just in the nick. The stop watch beeped and my fabulous 5th graders were staring into the screen!

It was so great to see them and they were so cute. They all had questions ready for me including, "Are there stairs inside of Big Ben?" "Do the kids in London speak English?" and "Did you get a dog yet?" My day was made.

FYI - Jake and I have matching backpacks. We tried to buy different ones before leaving the states, but ended up accidentally ordering one for Jake that was large enough to fit a house inside, and one for me that would have barely fit a book. Hence, the matching Tesco backpacks. I have this comical vision of us walking through Italy with our matching backpacks, we catch a chill and put on our matching North Face jackets. It would be very Brady of us!

Lessons Learned: 1) IKEA off-roading saves a good 40 min. on the journey, 2) Matching outfits has its charms, 3) Kids will make your day...everyday.

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